In showing there is a thing called open shows, it’s a show for kids that are too young to show or they are …show more content…
When showing pigs there are three parts in the shows. Showmanship is one in the morning before the actual show starts. Showmanship is all about you; it’s my favorite part of showing because the judge will ask you questions about your pig or about the type of pig you are showing. Some judges will make you switch pigs or he will take away your whip or cane and you will have to use your hand to walk the pig. The 4-H show is all about the pig, you want to show the judge all four sides of the pig. When you are showing you should always have your eyes on the judge, the judge will place the worst pigs first then keep the top two out. The gate holders will let you out, then judge will talk about your pig on what’s good about it and what’s bad about it. When you are leaving the arena you should always shake the judges hand, especially if you get top three. The third part is the grand drive, a grand drive is for the kids that won a breed champions and reserve breed champions to come back and the judge will pick the overall Grand Champion. A breed champion is when the judge takes the first places from each class of that type of pig and picks the best one. Which ever pig wins for breed champion the second place pig that class comes out to show for reserve. If you win breed champion you get a plaque, a laminated piece of paper that says breed champion, and a purple ribbon. If you get reserve champion, you get a light pink ribbon. If you win Grand Champion you get a big plaque, purple banner that says Grand Champion, you also get a big purple