First, gather the product you’ll need to assist you with this process. You’ll need to get a few trash bags, a brief, wipes, gloves, towels, perianal wash, and barrier cream. Just in case, you may want to take an extra bed pad into the resident’s room. Fathering things before entering the room, reduces fall risk of the resident if you are preforming this task alone.
Second, knock on the door before entering the resident’s room. Let the resident know that you’re here to see if they need …show more content…
Open the residents brief and wipe the entire area that was covered by the brief . A good rule of thumb to prevent infection is “one wipe per swipe ”. Meaning after you’ve wiped one area get a new wipe. Then you shall start cleaning the genital area. If the resident is female, you separate the labia and wipe. If the resident is a male with foreskin, you push the foreskin back and wipe. After you wipe the foreskin shall be pushed back to the original place. Once you have finish cleansing the front of the resident dry the area and turn the resident to their side. Let’s say the resident did not have a bowel movement. You’re going to clean their bottom with a wipe and dry it afterwards. Place the new brief under the resident, if needed apply barrier cream. Turn the resident to the opposite side so you can get the other half of the brief out. After have the resident lay in the supine position and snap the brief into place. Ask if they want their clothing put back on and cover them back with their blanket.
Last, gather all of your clean supplies into one trash bag and all of your trash into another bag. Place the call light into the residents reach and ask if they would like any water. As you leave remove the trash and supplies bags from the room. Most importantly wash your hands once your done