If Gerald Warh accepts to take the interview, he will be bettering his family chances of keeping a productive, growing farm. While also taking the ease of medical bills of their shoulder. The ends should justify the means. Push aside personal quarrels for the needs of the greater good. Even though Pro- growth uses pesticides in their farming tactics, landing the job as their chemical engineer will formulate a descent size pay. Which is the overall goal. Gerald can always resign after getting his family situated in a better economic standing. He is not forced to work there for the rest of his career. Bite the bullet for the time being for the chance of greatening the good. Even though the job is not promised and this merely just an interview. It could still possibly lead to a better future, even though this is never promised it is greatly …show more content…
Despite battling inner conflicts the interview is going quite smooth. The interviewer than makes a statement about pesticides and askes Gerald for his opinion on the matter. Gerald pushes aside his biased opinion and agrees with the interviewer about the matter at hand. By doing this Gerald is following his intuition, his gut instinct. Being persuaded by friends, and motivated by the chances of a better future. Gerald does not want to mess up this opportunity. But also keeps in mind that if situations involving pesticides go too far. Into which people are harmed by falling sick, or if produce is recalled due to traces of extremely harmful substances. Gerald will not hesitate to quit. The function on an engineer is to please the public. Help everyday task become simpler. From handheld tooth brushes to electronic one with better efficiency. To breathe taking bridges that makes it easier to commute from one place to another. Engineers as a whole are here to better society never to harm. And when engineers fail to do so they must be held accountable. Never affiliate yourself with a company with only wicked intentions. Focusing primarily of profit and nothing else. Skipping of paying off inspections, pushing products on the market which they know shouldn’t be there. Rushing or mishandling goods to reach a deadline. Is a never a company you want to be a part of. The definition of an engineer is someone who applies