Breakdown on written communication requirements:
• Communicates in a succinct, logical and organized manner.
• Produce written/oral presentations that are effective and appropriate to the audience.
• Written material must be: o Analytical, o Clear and concise, and o Grammatically correct.
Communication: This standard is met when the FPO communicates verbally and in writing in a clear and effective manner, as demonstrated in activities such as, but not limited to, the following:
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Produces written materials and oral presentations that are effective and appropriate to the audience. Provides information that is accurate and consistent with applicable laws, regulations, and policies. Responds in a timely and professional manner to customer requests for information, and prepares written material that is analytical, clear, concise and grammatically correct.
Communication: Standard is met when , FPO communicates verbally and in writing in a clear and effective manner, as demonstrated in activities such as, but not limited to, the following:
• Effectively communicates information in a succinct, logical and organized manner. Produces written materials and oral presentations that are effective and appropriate to the audience that is accurate and responds timely; and
Communication: Standard is met when FPO communicated verbally and in writing in a clear, effective and professional manner, as demonstrated in activities such as, but not limited to, the