Technical Sales Associate, ekla Business Solutions
Bacchus Winery,
Grand Island,NE.
Hello Mr.Harold and Mr.Don,
Our next step towards our project would be requiremnts gathering.We use a technique called fact finding for this process of requirements gathering.fact finding is the formal process of using reaserch, interviews, questanairies, sampling and other techniques to collect information about problems, requirements and preferences.It is basically called Information gathering.
There are seven fact finding methods. We use three of them.Observation of the work environment,Interview and Questionnaires.
Observation of the work environment:
In this fact finding method our systems analyst will be at your winery to watch all your processes and activities in your winery.This fills in the complexity of certain aspects of the system ,prevents a clear explanation by the end, we collect facts by observing people at work.Data gathered by observation technique is very reliable.Its inexpensive method.we also do work measurements.Our observation record might include details like,
1. Before we start we get permission from your supervisors and managers.
2. We might also nee few of your data record for our reference.
3. Our observation will be done on two various periods,
Your normal speed of work.
Your peak periods of work during the season.
4. When did you start the winery,who started this winery?
5. Where are the places it is located?
6. Why do you need a technical help for bacchus winery?
7. How are the processes taking place in your winery?
8. We take notes immediately of our observations and we will also update you with our observations?
9. Our observations will not interrupt your work progress in any way.
Questioners are special type of documents, that allow the analyst to collect information and opinions from respondents.This is a quick process of fact finding.Very much