Questions: 1-7. Methodology of Quantitative Techniques 8-10. Three Types of Decision Making 11-13. Benefits of Quantitative techniques 14-17. Decision tree Diagram parts
18-23. Steps of the CPM of project planning
24-25. Two possible ways of representing activity in Network Planning Techniques 26-30. Parts of project network 31-32. Two project management techniques 33-36. 4 situations in network diagram 37-40. 4 Events in History Critical Path Method (CPM)
1. Formulating the problem
2. Defining decision variable and constraints
3. Developing suitable model
4. Acquiring input date
5. Solving the model
6. Validating the model
7. Implementing the results
8. Decision making under certainty
9. Decision making under uncertainty
10. Decision making under risk
11. Solving complex problem on time
12. Greater accuracy
13. Most economical way
14. Decision nodes
15. Probability nodes
16. Decision alternatives
17. Terminal nodes
18. Specify the individual activities
19. Determine the sequence of those activities
20. Draw a network diagram
21. Estimate the completion of time of each activities
22. Identify the critical path
23. Update the CPM diagram as the program progress
24. Activity on Node
25. Activity on Arc
26. Nodes
27. Arrows
28. Activity
29. Event
30. Network
31. PERT – Project Evaluation and Review Technique
32. CPM – Critical Path Method
33. A must finish before either B or C can start
34. Both A and B must finish before C can start
35. Both A and B must finish before either C or D can start
36. A must finish before B can start, both A and C must finish before D can start
37. E I Du Pont de Nemours & Co. for construction of new chemical plant and maintenance shut down
38. Deterministic task time
39. Activity on node network