Any needs for transgender teens would also be provided. This would not be a permanent placement for teens, but teens would only be ejected if they abuse the program or act inappropriately. Once these teens turn 18, they’d be encouraged to find their own place, but would also be allowed to stay until they were financially stable enough to do so. Project Unstoppable would have 0 tolerance for illegal drugs, or alcohol. These teens would be here to help set them on the right track, not give them place to stay to get high and not take seriously. The entire purpose of Project Unstoppable would be to help the teens learn how to be independent, and help them get their footing in the world where everything was torn away. Many teens that are evicted from their homes also have mental and physical scars. Mental Disorders are often the biggest hold back for all teens, let alone LGBT. Therapy and help would be provided for those who needed it, or asked. As stated, Project Unstoppable would be there to help teens, not to give them the bare minimum that they could do on their own on the
Any needs for transgender teens would also be provided. This would not be a permanent placement for teens, but teens would only be ejected if they abuse the program or act inappropriately. Once these teens turn 18, they’d be encouraged to find their own place, but would also be allowed to stay until they were financially stable enough to do so. Project Unstoppable would have 0 tolerance for illegal drugs, or alcohol. These teens would be here to help set them on the right track, not give them place to stay to get high and not take seriously. The entire purpose of Project Unstoppable would be to help the teens learn how to be independent, and help them get their footing in the world where everything was torn away. Many teens that are evicted from their homes also have mental and physical scars. Mental Disorders are often the biggest hold back for all teens, let alone LGBT. Therapy and help would be provided for those who needed it, or asked. As stated, Project Unstoppable would be there to help teens, not to give them the bare minimum that they could do on their own on the