1. Understand why effective communication is important in the work setting
1.1 Identify the different reasons people communicate.
■ A welcoming atmosphere with approachable staff helps to create effective communication.
■ Effective communication means there is a two-way flow of information, knowledge and expertise between parents and practitioners.
■ All communication is important, including gesture, signing and body language. Actions can speak louder than words.
■ Posters, pictures and other resources on display will show the setting’s positive attitudes to disability, and to ethnic, cultural and social diversity. They will help children and families to recognise that they are valued
Reasons why people communicate:
- to build and maintain relationships (family, parenting, community)
- to gain and share information
- to gain reassurance and acknowledgement
- to express needs and feelings
- to share ideas and thoughts
1.2 Explain how communication affects relationships in the work setting.
Communication is a fundamental relationship-building skill in the workplace. If people don't communicate well they limit their ability to connect on any meaningful level and, at the extreme, can create conflict. Positive communication skills like listening, open-ended questions, calm tone of voice and "I" statements help bring people together because they are behaviours that lead to creating relationships. Workplace relationships also become a lot stronger when people can clearly and effectively communicate what they need and allow others to do the same.
The ways in which professional relationship and communication are pivotal in the early years
Sharing and gaining information – to work effectively we need to gain and share information about children`s feelings, what play interests they have, information about their long-term health and welfare (speech or