A basis of discrimination could be stereotyping someone, stereotyping someone is creating ideas of characteristics without even know them; this is a basis as the stereotyping could lead to discrimination by treating someone unfairly. An example of this could be in a social care setting where a nursery helper stereotypes a child with ADHD as trouble and being difficult so they decide to leave the child out of group activities this could cause the child distress and upset and is a form of bullying, the nursery helper may not realise the effects and what they are doing to the child, but it is discrimination due to them leaving the child out.
Prejudice could be a key factor that leads to discrimination; prejudice is a judgement made about someone when a person can know nothing about the person it also involves judging people and making assumptions about a group of people. When a person is prejudice in health and social care then it will affect their work and the person won't be treated fairly an example of prejudice in health and social care could be being prejudice to someone because of a religion, a health care visitor could be discriminative to someone due to them being Christian and they may think they will raise their child in a strange or different way because of this, this could turn into discrimination due to them reporting them or neglect or abuse.
Bullying is where there's someone who is treating a person unfairly either physically or socially like, hurtful names or leavening someone out of things. Bullying is an act of discrimination because it harms the other person emotionally. And example of bullying in health and social care is where a is making the judgement that someone on drugs doesn't care about their health or family ect, so a doctor may not give them fair treatment