From the very moment we are born we, as human beings have the ‘need’ to communicate. From that very first second of life we have the need to form some connection or relationship with another human in order to survive. Our initial cry to communicate is for warmth, food, shelter and love and these are the basic principles for communication throughout our life. Communication can be verbal such as speech and non-verbal such as writing and sign language.
People communicate with you because they have something they want you to know or something they want you to tell them. We communicate to share information and ideas. The key point to remember is that everyone is different. We all think differently and communicate in different ways.
We use five different forms of communication:
Visual - Seeing
Auditory - Hearing
Olfactory - Smelling
Kinaethetic – Touching
Gustatory - Tasting
We form relationships with people through communication, as a human our brains are designed to form ‘bonds’ with people/things. Children often have a favorite Teddy or comforter and will talk to them, play with them - expressing lots of different communicative methods. Humans are not solitary animals we are designed to mate with another human and produce offspring.
Communication skills are verbal and non-verbal words, phrases, voice tones, facial expressions, gestures, and body language that you use in the interaction between you and another person and within the sector we work in using our communication skills effectively to form and maintain relationships is absolutely vital.
We have a need to communicate in order to share information, to support, to comfort, to gain understanding, to show and express love, to make friendships and to share our thoughts and learn to listen. Communication within the Childcare environment is essential, not only to ensure we Safeguard the children we care for but also to ensure the children are learning and growing to