Like i said this is really not a good idea because it makes more and more people lazy and we already have these contraptions that help us walk do our hair and even paint our nails for us! I disagree with this because this actually pointless with all the technology, requirements, and software that all sums up to like $100,000 you can buy a car for at least $7,000 and drive! Another con about buying this car is that when it rains there can be a high chance that the software on the top of the car can be damaged and can lead the car to go out of control and causing the car to trash. Also, the car is a computer and i don't think it will notice the stop lights and signs. which can actually lead to deaths. In my opinion driverless cars can be very dangerous.
Also like i said there cons in everything. This car can be …show more content…
really good because there can be less accidents because less people are distracted and when drinking too much the car can drive you home without any accident. Another con is that disabled people don't need to rely on public transport the disable person can buy the driverless car. Which i think is a good idea. Also, instead of all the officers can be solving serious problems like a murder instead of writing out tickets for the people that are parked wrong. Finally the most important con is that you don't need to go though the stress of keys! Your children don't need to take your keys and then a second later you cant find them!
They ways that this car can affect the country is 1.
Changing the driver of the car. I think no body has seen someone not drive in a car. More people are not going to learn how to drive and buy the car instead of leaning how to drive. 2. Fewer car accidents. This car can be a great idea because there can be fewer car accidents! Almost every car accident is caused by the driver being distracted, the senors or camera on the top wont be distracted. 3. Destroying taxi and driving jobs. This can affect the country a lot because some people work as a taxi driver and now these cars are destroying their jobs and will not be able to make money for their
In my opinion this car isn't that great idea. This car can be useful but people are going to loose jobs. It can cost up to $100,000 that's a lot of money! But there is cons to everything. This car can be useful to disabled people. This car can drive them everywhere they want which is the good side of this! This is also useful because no car keys? No one needs to worry about car keys. In conclusion the technology today is getting smarter and smarter and i think this is going to be a wonderful modern car.