A reason why I believe they’re not a good idea is because there are a lot safety issues that we should be concerned about. What readers should understand is that driverless cars are not fully aware about how they should react to some things. In the article “PRO/CON: Cars that drive themselves could soon become the norm” by Newsela staff it states that “They also have problems figuring out when objects such as bits of paper garbage are harmless, so they may swerve for no reason.” This evidence illustrates that driverless cars isn’t such a good idea because it can cause accidents and cause people to get hurt. …show more content…
Another reason why I think automated cars are not a good idea is because they’re expensive to make.
To better understand the situation we should realize that to make the driverless cars work properly there has to be a lot of money put into them. In the article “PRO/CON: Cars that drive themselves could soon become the norm” by Newsela staff it explains that “Developing a nationwide self-driving car system would require countless amounts of effort and money.” This information illustrates that self-driving cars aren’t good because they are using a lot of money in making these cars, when they can be using the money for more important
Critics may claim that self-driving cars are a good idea and that they should be a part of our future. Some people may argue that driverless cars will make the commute from suburb to city easier. This may be a strong argument because in the article “PRO/CON: Cars that drive themselves could soon become the norm” by Newsela staff it states that “One 2015 poll showed that as many as two-thirds of young people would choose suburban living over life in the city.” This evidence illustrates that driverless cars are a good idea because it will allow people to live in the suburbs because they feel less need to live in the city since they can get there with fewer problems. However, getting to the point of commuting is way more than simple because there are huge improvements that need to be made before they are safe enough to be on the streets. Driverless cars shouldn’t exist in the near future, because there are just too many things that they need before it’s safe for us to drive.
When considering the issue of driverless cars it is clear that they are not a good idea. It is essential to recognize that driverless cars have many downfalls, such as having safety issues and being expensive to make. Before reading this, most people probably thought the idea of driverless cars was great because it’s another invention that sounds and looks cool or because they don’t feel like driving anymore. But, once we view all the evidence we realize that there’s really nothing good about these cars except for commuting from the suburbs to the city. Even then, there are still problems that need to be fixed in order for that to occur. Just think, do you really want to put your life in the hands of technology?