to deter murder, which is the death losing their own life. Serves as closure for the victims’ families.
Cons of the Death Penalty deemed immoral, it is a disadvantage to death penalty is that death penalty is viewed immorally by those against death penalties. Though capital punishment can feel good for the family’s victims, it ultimately does nothing to negate the crime. Substantial financial costs is also a con of the death penalty, because many people do not realize that carrying out a single death sentence for a criminal costs 2 to 5 times more than that putting that same criminal in prison for the rest of his or her life. Quality and fairness of defendant’s representation, the opponents of the death penalty claim that majority capital offenders do not receive quality and fairness in adequate legal representation. A disadvantage to the death penalty is the ability to utilize the federal spending, which can be compensated through the convict working in prison, to use towards the victims restitution.