Answer each questions as fully as possibly, citing relevant verses from the Bhagavad Gita.
1. What does it mean to neutralize a raga or a dvesa, and how is this accomplished? When may it be desirable, or even necessary to neutralize a raga or dvesa. When is it not necessary to neutralize a raga or a dvesa?
1.0.Background: Raga is defined as an attachment / affinity for something, implying a desire for that. This can be emotional (instinctual) or intellectual. It may range from simple liking or preference to intense desire and attraction. Sage Patanjali states as sukhaanushayraaga (where sukha=pleasure/happiness; anushay = accompanying; raaga=attraction; liking- Sutra 2-7). That attraction, which accompanies pleasure, is Raga. Raga is the attraction towards any person or object that causes pleasure or happiness. An experience of pleasure results in a latent impression which subsequently can lead to desire or craving for the same experience. In attachment, desire and senses are drawn involuntarily towards objects. When desire deepens into greed, the sense of right and wrong becomes neglected. By this the self gets linked up with the senses. The detached self, in this case, appears to be bound with the latent impressions of pleasure. That attraction, which accompanies pleasure, is Raga. Attachment is that modification which follows remembrance of pleasure.
Dvesa is defined as aversion/avoidance for something, implying a dislike for that. This can be emotional (instinctual) or intellectual. It may range from simple no preference to intense repulsion, antipathy and even hatred. Duhkha anushay dvesa. He states patanjali in sutra 2.8 where duhkha=pain; anushay =accompanying; dvesa=repulsion. That repulsion which accompanies pain is Dvesa. Dvesa is repulsion felt towards a person or object which is a source of unhappiness. Raga and dvesa go together – they are like the opposite sides of the same coin.