This paper proposes a crime prevention program to address the issue of violent crime, particularly that of rape. It will touch all facets of the criminal justice system. It will deal with the city of Austin, Texas, comparing it to similar cities like Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and Seattle, Washington. Although the cities are doing a good job in this area, things can be improved. This paper will attempt to show effective ways of reducing crime without increasing costs.
Comparisons Data of the three cities was compared to the national data over a period of time from 1995 to 2010. The data shows the incidents of rape over this time period. First we will look at the national data.
(Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2013) Data from the FBI shows that for almost every year from 1995 to 2010 that there has been a decline in the number of rapes on a national basis. One must conclude from this that crime prevention efforts are working across the country. Let us how look at the targeted cities and see where they come in compared to the national average. Let’s look first at Austin, Texas.
(Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2013) The chart shows that Austin started at nearly double the national average in the number of rapes in the city. With the exception of a spike in 2000, Austin has been dropping in the number of incidents to pretty close to the national average. Next let us look at Seattle.
(Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2013)
Note that Seattle, while higher than the national range in 1995 decreased to lower than the national range by the year 2010. Lastly, let us look at Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
(Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2013) Milwaukee, while starting as high as Austin, by 2010 reduced its incident rate to just above the national rate. Now I