Bharti Airtel is India's leading provider of telecommunications services. The company has 27 million customers across India. It is a part of Bharti Enterprises, which manufactures and exports telecom equipment, provides telecom services in Seychelles, delivers products and services to telecom carriers, offers a range of Customer Management Services (CMS) and exports fresh agricultural products exclusively to markets in Europe and the USA.
The business has been structured into three individual strategic business units (SBUs) — mobile services, broadband and telephone services (B&T) and enterprise services. The last group has two sub-units — carriers (long distance services) and services to corporates.
All the services of the company are bundled under the Airtel brand.
The company is headquartered in New Delhi. The mobile services group provides GSM mobile services across India in 23 telecom circles, while the B&T business group provides broadband & telephone services in 90 cities
P/L account of Bharti Airtel Year Mar 07(12) Mar 06(12) Mar 05(12) Mar 04(12) Mar 03(12) budgeted/mar08 INCOME : Sales Turnover +
17,851.60 11,231.47 7,903.03 0 0 39,808.33 Excise Duty 0 0 0 0 0 0 Net Sales 17,851.60 11,231.47 7,903.03 0 0 39,808.33 Other Income +
148.49 94.3 122.02 63.15 72.9 628.11 Stock Adjustments +
30.07 -13.84 11.57 0 0 92.31 Total Income 18,030.16 11,311.93 8,036.62 63.15 72.9 40,528.75 EXPENDITURE : Raw Materials +
53.95 54.42 83.7 0 0 86.85 Power & Fuel Cost+
39.72 26.98 16.69 0.38 0.1 71.89 Employee Cost +
1,102.03 754.99 488.13 16.84 18.94 3460.03 Other Manufacturing Expenses +
6,709.58 4,404.78 3,139.48 1.29 2.41 8990.83 Selling and Administration Expenses +
1,973.64 1,330.07 869.69 15 10.5 6927.22 Miscellaneous Expenses +
801.13 671.92 538.32 4.16