Stress Management Workshop spearheaded by the Third Year Psychology Majors and their adviser Prof. Aminoding B. Limpao was successfully been carried out last March 03, 2013. The 4-hours activity from 8am-12noon were offered to students like me who are taking up the subject Psychology as part of our Course. The objective of the said activity focuses on what’s, where’s, when’s and how’s of the main topic which is “STRESS” itself. The workshop is about the nature and definition of stress; from where can we acquire it; the duration and when will it occur; and the possible interventions and coping activities that will enable us to manage it. These subtopics were presented to us.
Before I went to the venue that day, I was preoccupied with the idea about how the activity would go. Lots of questions were formulated inside my head as of that moment. I don’t know exactly what to expect and what to look forward to. But there are just few things I am sure of, the learning and the knowledge that I will be able to acquire after adds interest in me. I am but a student who crave for knowledge and who search for information which will have a relevant impact into my life in the field of academe and also in my everyday living. Just the thought of positive and informative activity in which I can get something out of it gives vigor and motivation for me to really attend and discover how beneficial it could be to me. Since I have never been into such a Seminar Workshop involving Stress Management and its related topics, I choose to attend willingly aside from the compliance of this requirement. Together with my MSUan co-participants we were welcomed with the comfortable ambiance of the facilitating council with enthusiasm. I was amazed by the number of students willing to learn and sort out how such an activity will help us. I saw familiar faces but most of them were new to my eyes. Having no idea about the process of the workshop puts a