The writing process is an approach to writing that entails the recursive phases of pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing.
Read-Write-Think offers a Strategy Guide for Implementing the Writing Process that is appropriate for K- teachers. The strategy guide explains the writing process and provides methods for teaching it.
How is the writing process taught?
Teachers use a combination of direct instruction, modeling, and conferencing to teach and support the writing process. Young students can be introduced to the writing process through drawing when drawing is used as a metaphor for writing.
Why teach the writing process?
Learning, implementing, and internalizing the writing process help students …show more content…
During this phase, writers may plan for writing by drawing pictures, making lists, brainstorming, using graphic organizers, or conferring with a peer as they anticipate writing on a topic for a particular audience. The Idea and Organization Traits are important in the prewriting phase as writers consider narrowing or expanding the writing focus and select an organizational structure that will most effectively showcase their ideas.
What is drafting?
The drafting phase of the writing process entails the actual composing of the text. During this phase, writers use prewriting activities to generate a piece of writing in rough form. The goal is translate ideas into a written organization without being constrained by word choice, sentence structure, conventions, and presentation. Informal conferences with teachers or peers can occur during this phase to provide focused feedback to the writer.
What is revising?
During the revision phase of the writing process, writers examine the content of their writing. Writers review their text for clarity and craft and consider changes that would improve the piece. The first five traits are essential for effective revision of the content: Ideas, Organization, Voice, Word Choice, and Sentence Fluency. Based on their own critical review and feedback, writers may keep elements of the writing as well as make revisions as they add, delete, move, or change