Constructing Meaning through Reading and Writing
Kathy Harris
Grand Canyon University: EED-475 Curr. Mthd & Asmt: Literacy and Language Arts 4-8
February 10, 21011
Reading Strategies
|Strategy |Activity |Assessment |
|Prior Knowledge: To make connection to what one already |Make a word web of information that has |Create a concept map showing key ideas. |
|know. Lay a foundation which new facts, ideas and |been discussed. | |
|concepts can be develop. | |Assess prior knowledge by asking |
| |Share information. |questions. |
| |Create a T-Chart with what students would | |
| |like to know about the subject and what I | |
| |now know. | |
|Prediction: Predicting involves thinking ahead and |Ask question about each picture to elicit |Write prediction in reading logs. |
|anticipating information and event that take place. |response that require them to make | |
| |inferences. |Students complete a prediction sheet as a|
| | |formative