300+ students’ uncensored reasons
As part of the enrollment process, I ask every Dream Job student why they enrolled. I’ve already showed you why my previous Earn1K and Find Your First Profitable Idea students signed up for Dream Job when I gave them early access to the course. Since then, hundreds of others have joined. I thought you might like to see their reasons for investing in this course and in themselves. The comments are unedited and uncensored, except to remove personal identifying information. *****
“Why I Joined Dream Job”
January/February 2012
“The free material you provide has had a major impact on my current position as a [REDACTED] - I went from an intern at $12.5/hr to full-time getting paid $45,000/year in just one month using your techniques on negotiation (one-month followup). This itself more than paid for the course, and what I learn now can double or triple my salary of the next decade.” — Lynchburg, Virginia ***** “I have been following Ramit's blog for the last few weeks and the material shared was very informative and something I had not come across before. Even before I got hooked on to IWTYTBR, I was looking for a system/process that could help me move to the next phase in my career.A combination of above two factors convinced me to go for this program.” — Kuwait, Kuwait ***** “I currently face a lot of career options that I'm not sure who to go to for advice:- I expect to be promoted in the next month and needs help with negotiation- My favorite senior management team left my company (my SVP and Director), and I'm not sure if the new senior management team is as capable to fill the shoes- I don't want to be a job hopper but I do want something more rewarding and has higher potential for vertical movement ” — Philadelphia, Pennsylvania *****
“Ramit is amazing, and this is truly an investment in my future. I've used a lot of the techniques described in the free material in an