It is often stated that there is a need for leadership skills in nursing because nurses are responsible for leading and Elizabeth A. Curtis, Fintan K. Sheerin, Jan de Vries managing the care environment and must exercise leadership during their interactions with patients and their families and colleagues (Heller et al, 2004). Moreover, leadership has a positive impact on employee satisfaction and patient care (Paterson et al, 2010).
Nursing leaders can be strong advocates for staff by being risk takers in the development of healthy work environments. (tomey 2008)
A common recommendation is that the challenges of clinical care, nursing leadership and management duties be met through education and training (Kleinman, 2003).
Leadership is an essential component of nursing practice in the many aspects of the nurse’s role.
– Curtis et al.
There is a need for you as the leader to be clear about the roles of your team members and what the goals of the team are (Scott et al, 2008).
Scott J, Gill A and Crowhurst K (2008) Effective
Management in Long-Term Care Organisations.
Reflect Press, Exeter
No leader, no matter how skilled, can work in isolation, so creating a clear understanding of the role of the team is essential to effective working
(Gokenbach, 2008).
It is important therefore that leaders are clear about the purpose of their teams, that they know the skills and abilities of their teams, that they regularly update their team and that the team regularly update them.
Each team member needs to feel confidence in themselves and the other members of the team, e.g, trust that regardless who visits a service user, the quality of care providedwill be of a high standard. – bliss
To create a healthier and safer practice environment for both nurses and patients, a strong nursing leadership is needed (Baker et al. 2004, IOM 2004). – casterle to empower the coworkers and to help them grow in their personal and professional development.