Throughout the courses I have taken in Public Administration, I have learned how to listen, how to manage, how to react to specific situations, amongst other important information and values. Each and every part of what I have gone through has been important and essential in my development as a leader. Nothing was in vain, and every course contributed to a different area in my knowledge and growth as a human being. Below, I will discuss how this course has enhanced my learning, how my strengths and weaknesses have changed, and how this course has impacted my future goals.
The information I have read in this course is information that I have read in previous courses. What has enhanced my learning is listening to …show more content…
Though, I have learned how to control this and use it to my advantage. I remember in 10th grade I had an instructor that wrote me a thank you card with the following quote: “your quiet nature serves you well, use it wisely to succeed”. I never understood this phrase until now. In fact, I taught that my “quiet nature” was something bad I had. When I began public administration I saw how fluent others were and how they were able to express their taught so naturally and I wished I was like them. Now that we have had the opportunity to listen to several guest speakers and now that I have read many books I have learned something; my shyness will definitely help me listen to others. I will also make sure I never stop being responsible and respectful. If it is something that I expect from others, I need to be able to do the same. Yet, I am far from how I want to be. I can definitely show improvement on this area and I will.
What I learned from my instructor and from our guest speakers I will take with me and use in my upcoming career and goals. I have learned more about how leaders actually interact and how complex public administration really is. Though I feel like I will not be able to learn the full complexity of public administration until I am actually working. Yet, I definitely feel prepared to move forward. I know what to expect and what not to