Religion Religion is a big part of their identity in Somalia. Islam is the primary religion in Somalia and almost 100% of the population in Somalia are Sunni Muslims. They follow and go by the five pillars of Islam faith. 1) Faith or belief in the oneness of God and the finality of the prophet Muhammad, 2) prayer five times a day, 3) giving 25% of one's income to charity, 4) making a pilgrimage to Mella, Saudi Arabia, at least once …show more content…
The overthrow of president Said Rerre marked a turning point in Somali politics, economy and society. Since then Somali has suffered and began to become unsafe. Merchants were selling weapons on the streets for very low costs but hope is still alive through the women in the country. Women have over 20 plus organizations that are running to help promote peace and conciliation between the North and South of Mogadishu. Women at this point are the only victims to help de-centralize a war turn nation. Women are also the only hope that Somali has of over reaching a legitimate way of decreasing violence and reaching political economic stability in Somali. Women have gathered in large groups to protest. They are demanding peace negations and to be included in any future authority. The future of Somalia is uncertain. However, the effects on women and their actions toward peace are a step into having a safe and peaceful country. It may take some time due to militants still causing problems not caring about women and preventing Somali from returning to the country it once