I think both have their advantages and disadvantages. With Representative, a lot of people chose to not inform themselves on the topics at hand, but on the flip side some of the issues at hand are so complex that many average citizens cannot simply understand the issues. Many citizens are upset with the choices that are made as well in a representative democracy. Based off of all of this I think e are better to stay a representative democracy because humans all have opinions and some choose to not educate themselves when making a decision. I am not saying that
I think both have their advantages and disadvantages. With Representative, a lot of people chose to not inform themselves on the topics at hand, but on the flip side some of the issues at hand are so complex that many average citizens cannot simply understand the issues. Many citizens are upset with the choices that are made as well in a representative democracy. Based off of all of this I think e are better to stay a representative democracy because humans all have opinions and some choose to not educate themselves when making a decision. I am not saying that