I choose to do my research on Panic Disorder, and Panic Attack is because it is something that I have been experiencing it a lot lately. It all started during winter break when I went back home in Los Angeles, California. Over breaks, I went through a terrible break up with a guy I’ve been dating for two years and, of course, that hurts. I have also discovered that mother and stepfather are in the process of getting a divorce, and my abusive brother came back into my life. Other personal problems caused me to feel so depressed and drained all the time. It was hard for me to complete my daily tasks, even as simple as waking up. I did not want to wake up, eat, or do anything but stayed in bed. After I had come back to school from break, I felt worse because I have more responsibility. Daily tasks became difficult because I do not feel motivate at all, and my feeling is always down. I constantly have to fight with my mind, yelling inside my …show more content…
It took me a while to gain my ability to focus in school or actually to study without feeling extremely anxious and worrying about another panic attack. Nowadays, I still feel anxious (more than usual people would feel but manageable), but it is getting better and less serve. I am in control of myself, and I am not worried or scared; I am prepared. I’ve become stronger and learned that it is only a temporary thing that I just have to get through.
Doing research on this help me understand more about panic attack and panic disorder. While learning about the symptoms, I analyzed myself and discovered that during each time four or more of the following symptoms occurred. I also found that the information I learned to be interesting. I chose this disorder was because I want to expand my knowledge of panic disorder and panic attack. Knowing what it makes me feel like I am in control because I know what to