4 years after admission). The resident reports never receiving a copy of a signed admission agreement; resident reported receiving an envelope of blank pages and miscellaneous pharmacy forms left by his bed. Resident stated that he was not made aware of "code of conduct or house rules/policies"; even after any of the alleged incidents occured. On 12/14/16, staff Samantha Byers told the resident to sign an updated care plan ofr Jewish Family Services but refused to let hime review a copy beforehand. The care plan alleged resident was "agitated and disruptive 1-3 times per week and resident refused to sign it. Resident spoke with Jewish Family Services who denied having updated any care plans that would have had this language. The administrator refused to honor Ombudsman's request to reissue the notice or produce a written copy of the code of
4 years after admission). The resident reports never receiving a copy of a signed admission agreement; resident reported receiving an envelope of blank pages and miscellaneous pharmacy forms left by his bed. Resident stated that he was not made aware of "code of conduct or house rules/policies"; even after any of the alleged incidents occured. On 12/14/16, staff Samantha Byers told the resident to sign an updated care plan ofr Jewish Family Services but refused to let hime review a copy beforehand. The care plan alleged resident was "agitated and disruptive 1-3 times per week and resident refused to sign it. Resident spoke with Jewish Family Services who denied having updated any care plans that would have had this language. The administrator refused to honor Ombudsman's request to reissue the notice or produce a written copy of the code of