As a result, organisations are responding by embracing change as part of the transformation and strategising process (Pieterse, Caniels & Homan, 2012, p. 799). However, when changes in the organisations occur, employees are likely to resist such changes (Zwick, 2002, p. 542). According to Bovey and Hede (2001, p. 372) when people are confronted with major organisational changes, they are likely to go through a reaction process because change involves moving from known to unknown. Employee resistance to change occurs when managers adopt top-down change process, forgetting that employees are important part of the change process; employee inclusion and motivation is crucial and inevitable.…
Some of the resistance to change would be things like habit that is formed from employees over time, or the security that they feel in their current role in the company. Some employees might just fear the unknown and change in their current job, they might feel this way because they are afraid they will not get their new role and their job will be in jeopardy. The ways that you can minimize this would be to make sure that the employees understand what is going on with the company, educate them about the change and why the company is making this change. The most effective way is communication with your employees, and having a positive attitude about the current change.…
Employees may be resistant to change for many reasons. The first may be because of that old saying, “If it is not broken, why fix it?” Most employees are comfortable the way things are at work, so any change that may compromise that, will automatically be rejected. Employees may not even like their job, but the uncertainty of what is to come is less appealing than what is already familiar to them. People also resist change simply because humans are creatures of habit. When people are accustomed to doing things a certain way for a period of time,…
There will be people who resist change by many different ways which can be overt or convert, active or passive, well intentional or subversive. People will fight change in ways that fit their personalities so there will be a wide range of tactics at work when resistance emerges. Managers have mistaken the lack of overt opposition for support, while others will disguise their resistance to make it safer or politically correct. They can be very cunning by operating undercover, resisting on the sly, and fighting change carefully to reduce their chances of being caught. There are several ways that they can be subtle in their sabotage they are: (McConnell, 2010, p. 418)…
However, resistance should not be approached adversarially as it can play a key and useful role in an organisation change effort. It is something that can be used constructively. As human beings it is in our instinct to avoid change, as we are comfortable. Nevertheless, we should consider change to be inherently good as it can only be evaluated by its consequences.…
Managers and employees may be resistance to change because it disrupts their comfort level with their processes, procedures, and daily tasks. People become experts in their area with the software programs they use, tasks they complete, and the service they provide. Changes that touch any or all of these areas can be unsettling and can contribute to the negative behavior associated to change. Other factors that contribute to resistance is that some employees are uncomfortable with…
According to Yukl (2010), people resist change for many reasons. Choose one reason listed within Leadership in Organizations and provide an example from your past or current employment of this type of resistance to change. How was this obstacle managed? What actions would you now recommend and why?…
Managers need to understand that resistance to change is normal. Employee’s reactions to change are healthy reactions and part of the process of change. Understanding that employees will react this way should help the manager anticipate the resistance and then work with their employees to identify and modify the change so that the level of success is optimal. Managers need to remember that there should not be any defensive reactions on their part when implementing change.…
Employees often see change as threatening. What are some of the sources of resistance to change, and what can you as a manager do to overcome that resistance?…
Generally, the implementation of change is for the good of the organization. However with change comes resistance. There are two major forces for resistance to change; individual and organizational. A few individual forces of resistance would include:…
When it comes to organizational resistance to change this has to be done very carefully. Resistance to change does not only affect just an individual it affects the organization as a whole. Some of the examples of organizational resistance are structural, threats of power, a sinking in costs, special treatments, groups, etc. The structure of the organization is one of the most important things; the structure is the stability, what makes the organization what it is. Power, if an individual or a group feels like their position is being threatened, resistance will be the first thing that happens. Power wars can hurt the memento of work that has been occurring before the changes. Upper management may be a little more resistance when they determine the costs of training; changes happen and learning all again. Special treatments could be given to certain individuals, and the newer individuals are getting tasks, the older staff used to have. An organization has to keep all these in mind when trying to transition organizational change with…
Although change has become commonplace in modern organizations, the reported failure rates of change implementation range from 40% to as high as 70% (McKay et al., 2013). Considering our global economy and technological innovation, this rate is alarmingly high. It is no surprise that these statistics have prompted researchers to investigate the causes underlying change failure in modern organizational settings (McKay et al., 2013). Employee resistance has been identified as a primary source of change implementation failure across a range of organizations and industries worldwide (McKay et al., 2013). Change is a situation that interrupts normal patterns of organization and calls for participants to enact new patterns, involving interplay of deliberate and emergent processes that can be highly ambiguous for everyone involved (Ford et al., 2008). Employees resist change for a variety of more or less logical reasons (Baack, 2012). These reasons will be explored to understand the external and internal factors of change within organizations. In addition, a scenario will be presented to analyze how change was introduced, perceived, and implemented at a real life organization.…
Generally, the most common threat to successful organizational change is posed by the employees of that organization, as any perceived threat to their self-interests increases the level of resistance they exhibit towards that change. A negative response to organizational change is…
Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper identifying both organizational and individual causes of resistance to change.…
No one likes change. Often employees resist change for no apparent reason. This is when a manager investigates the reasons behind resistance and uses techniques to enlist employee cooperation. To implement change more effectively, a manager should understand the reasons. The possible reasons of resistance are as follows:…