Review, summarise my own roles, responsibilities and boundaries of role in relation to teaching
In reviewing and summarising my own role, responsibility and boundaries in relation to
Teaching, I will be reflecting and discussing my own methods and how they impact on my
My role and responsibility as a teacher is firstly and most importantly, is to ensure I adhere to
‘Institute for learning’s 2008 code of practice. The Institute for Learning’s code of
Professional Practice came into force on 1 April 2008. The Code was developed by the
Profession for the profession and it outlines the behaviours expected of members – for the
Benefit of learners, employers, the profession and the wider community’. …show more content…
The teacher could receive a reprimand, a conditional
Registration order, a suspension order or even an expulsion order. Therefore any breach of
The professional conduct code could have serious implications for the teacher and may even
Result in the Loss of their right to teach.
Alongside of the code of professional conduct the teacher has other important
Responsibilities to consider also which are paramount when teaching learners. I believe my
Role and responsibility as a teacher is to also, ensure I have created a learning environment
That caters for a diverse range of learners. Immediately before the course starts I will carry
Out a risk assessment on the training room/venue to ensure it is safe for myself and the
Learners, ensuring the room and facilities are easily and safely accessible for any students
Who may have a physical disability? I would ask the caretaker of the building if necessary to
Help me rearrange the furniture or equipment if it is required. I will also ensure all …show more content…
It is my responsibility to plan lessons, prepare appropriate material and resources
For each lesson, teach the subject agreed on the required number of hours, provide support
And guidance and maintain up-to-date records. It is vital that I keep a record of the learners
I always complete an ILP (Individual Learning Plan) with each
Learner where I agree milestones with the learner and record on the ILP when objectives
Have been met so the learner is aware of their progress. Prior to the course starting, I meet
With individual learners on a one to one basis to establish their learning needs this is done
By completing the ILP (individual learning plan). It is here where we establish the learners
Expectations and how training can help them meet their goals. Should the learner have any
Special learning needs it is during this meeting that I will put in place and plan and adapt the
Course to meet their individual needs. ) this enables us to identify any other training needs
The learner may need, and then set S.M.A.R.T (smart, measurable, achievable,