Robust Knowledge is the knowledge that is relevant and accepted by actors in the context of its application. This is achieved when the knowledge is credible, noticeable, and produced in a legitimate way. Knowledge is credible when it is accepted globally by a majority and is passed down from person to person. Knowledge is noticeable in everyone’s everyday experience and encounters with others, whether it is faulty or credible it is still there. Also, Knowledge is legitimate when it is justified to an extent and has proof or effective meaning backing it up. Robust Knowledge is discovered by man or uncovered over time. It …show more content…
People usually rely on understanding knowledge from a consensus or by disagreement. Consensus decisions have a sort of uniqueness to it because instead of requiring just a majority agreement, it focuses on the being able to come up with a neutral agreement that everyone sides and comes to terms with. As an opposition to this people tend to disagree and can’t come up with a conclusion to an objective that fits both sides. A consensus agreement can ultimately draw biases or be affected by it to a certain degree. These biases sometimes are hard to avoid merely due to the fact that they are prejudice or unfair in favor of some personal outcome or conclusive decision. Everyone doesn’t have the same concise paradigm or worldview that underlies the theories and methods brought forth throughout history, so it is hard to stay completely away from personal bias. To me personally I tend to rely upon consensus and disagreements to understand Robust Knowledge without my own justification because it has been conclusive between a vast quantity of people that has deemed it credible. Natural sciences can be seen as more consensus because of its use of reason. History can also be seen …show more content…
Some may possible see that the natural sciences are an influence of Robust Knowledge through disagreement, therefore, you can make the justification that a disagreement is also required for Robust Knowledge. A famous Italian Astronomer named Giovanni Schiaparelli once believed in his lifetime that there were boundless canals and extravagant gullies on the surface of mars. This concept he had came up with became so popular to an extent that famous scientist like Percival Lowell even agreed on. They had thought that some inhabitant of that plant had built irrigation systems similar to that on earth. For a long period of time, that was thought to be true of the planet Mars. It wasn’t until the first unmanned spacecraft to the planet gathered images of the planets surface to disprove Giovanni’s theory. The images showed that what we were seeing was just an optical illusion of large quantities of dust that happened to be collected were blown by heavy gust currents. The reason behind this influence is provided through a more historical perspective. As time progresses and we attain technology to a higher quality, we are able to identify and discover answers to those theories we thought to be true in the past. And with that knowledge that is disagreed on, we as a society are able to attain more Robust Knowledge by disproving it. Mahatma