The main role of teacher is to teach the subject in a way that actively involves and engages the students during every session
The teacher should use clear language to enable the students to understand
Also should manage the learning process from when the students commence to when they complete, ensuring you assess their progress, give relevant feedback and keep appropriate records.
To be a good teacher, that includes being enthusiastic and passionate about your subject, being approachable and taking pride in your work.
In addition , to leave a good first impression will help to establish a positive relationship with your student
The way you dress, act, respond to questions, offer support will also influence the students
The role will usually follow the cycle and involve:
1) Identifying needs: finding out what your organization's, your own and potential students' needs are, carrying out initial assessments, agreeing individual learning plans
2) Planning learning: preparing a scheme of work, session plans and teaching and learning materials to ensure you cover the requirements of the syllabus,liaising with others.
3) Facilitating learning:teaching and facilitating learning using a variety of approaches.
4) Assessing learning: checking your students have gained the necessary skills and knowledge.
5) Quality assurance and evaluation: obtaining feedback from others, evaluating yourself and the programme in order to make improvements for the future
Boundaries of teaching:
There are professional boundaries within which to work and it is important not to overstep these by becoming too personal with your students.
1) Professional behavior is a priority: your personal/professional values, rights and responsibilities are more important than any sense of needing to be liked by others, needing to please others.
2) Use caution with self-disclosure:
As a teacher/professional,