A teacher’s role, responsibilities and boundaries are not set in stone as they evolve with time and circumstance although there are some roles and responsibilities that are common amongst teachers as typically the teaching cycle is followed. The teaching cycle consists of 5 stages; identify need, plan and design, deliver, assess and evaluate.
With a new group of learners, I believe it is my role and responsibility to identify their learning needs I would do this by asking my learners to fill out a learning style questionnaire, this would allow me to know the learning style of my students and enable me to plan my lessons to suit the learning styles of the student.Flemming (1987) distinguishedthree different styles of learning, visual, kinaesthetic and audio. In my current role, I would have met my learner beforehand in an informal interview. This discussion is not only to ease any nerves of a student but to give me an indication of further aspirations, personal hobbies and also previous learning experience. This discussion is also a good time to ensure that the course they are enrolling on is the right one to suit their needs. Any previous statements that the child may have would have also been passed along from the previous school and other agencies and working with relevant teams already in place and the learners parent/carers, a support system and care plan will be put in place to meet the learner’s needs. For example, the student may have dyslexia. If the