In the story, Romeo and Juliet, the final tragic outcome, namely the deaths of the two young lovers, was a result of human choices, rather than one of fate. Although fate played some role in Romeo and Juliet's deaths, the various characters' decisions and actions throughout the story eventually led to the tragedy. There were four main stepping stones, all resulting from man's decision, which finally ended with Romeo and Juliet taking their own lives.…
Although he is not the only one to blame for this tragedy. Romeo could be blamed for the tragedy for a lot of reasons. One reason he is the one to blame is he drinks the potion almost rite as Juliet wakes up. Romeo could have went to Friar Lawrence and ask what happened before he took his own life when he could have lived a happy life with Juliet. Also Romeo Mary's Juliet rite after they meet each other pretty much. Romeo could have took it slower and get to know her better. If they would not have gotten married so fast they might still be alive. Romeo and Juliet didn't have to kill themselves. That was their choice which It is unreasonable to throw the blame on another person or an issue that made them commit suicide. If they had thought about their decisions thoroughly, they would end up living a happy life together. Also Romeo knew that she was from the family that he hates. It is kind of ironic how Romeo falls in love with people he can't marry because it just makes the feud between the family's worse. “In faith, I will. Let me peruse this face. Mercutio's kinsman, noble County Paris!...” (Shakespeare 85-92)This is the quote Romeo says before he dies. Romeo did not have to kill Paris he could have talked it out instead of immediately fighting which just made things worse in the end because that's one more death on there hands. That's why I think that the tragedy was not just Friar Lawrence's fault but both Romeo and Friar…
No one will fully understand why they went through with the decision that they made, but the marital couple. When Romeo found out that Juliet was dead, there was an overwhelming feeling of depression that enclosed him, all he could think about was that he needed to be with her, he needed to be with his true love. That what was probably running through his mind when persuaded that apothecary to give him that vial of strong poison. Unknowingly Juliet was still alive and awoken and tried to kiss the poison off of Romeo’s lips but failed then she resulted in stabbing herself. Romeo and Juliet were a very young and naive couple who did not know how to approach a challenging situation…
Is love even a real thing, Romeo and Juliet is a play written by William Shakespeare. The story is about two star cross’d lovers that end up killing themselves over what they call “love”. (Document: A) In the story the Capulets and Montagues already hate each other, the families start fighting which escalates the hatred between them. Two teenagers Romeo and Juliet meet at a party and instantly fall in love, not knowing that they are enemies at first but they soon come to find out. They exchange vows so Romeo goes to Friar Lawrence who is a monk that lives in the church. He asks Friar to marry them, and Friar ends up marrying them. Everything was going fine until Tybalt Juliet's cousin wants to fight Romeo, Romeo insist on not fighting him because he is Juliet's cousin. So Mercutio who is Romeo’s best friend decides to fight Tybalt, Tybalt stabs Mercutio and he dies so Romeo wants revenge. Romeo finds Tybalt and begins fighting him and kills him. For Romeo’s punishment he is exiled, which means he has to get out of Verona. Things tend to happen which leads to Romeo and Juliet’s death. At the end of the story the Prince wants to know who is to blame for Romeo and Juliet’s death, the Montagues and Capulets are…
At the end of the play Romeo and Juliet are dead. Their death is the result of many different events and decisions. There are several people that could be blamed for the deaths of these two young lovers. Mercutio for getting Romeo to go to the ball{{fragment}}. Their parents, by keeping the feud between the two families on going. Romeo for avenging Mercutio’s death{{Fragment}}. The Nurse for not telling Juliet’s parents what’s going on and that Juliet has fallen in love with a Montague. And even Juliet for being a young and naive teen for thinking what she is doing is the best thing for her situation.…
There could have been another way to solve Juliet’s problem. Juliet might have had to marry Paris, but she would have still lived. Lord and Lady Capulet were also to blame. They were forcing Juliet into an unwanted marriage. Juliet was desperate.…
Romeo: The son of Montague, Romeo is first introduced to us as a sad, melancholic, apathetic youth. His reason for sadness is universal; Rosaline his love will not return his affections. Not initially daring, it is his friends Mercutio and Benvolio who suggest he gatecrash or arrive uninvited at the Capulet party to see Rosaline. There he meets Juliet falling instantly in love. From this point on, Romeo no longer is melancholic, but dynamic and courageous, risking his life at the Capulet's house to be near Juliet and later breaking a banishment order which threatens death for him, to see his Juliet again. Well regarded even by Capulet, his enemy, Romeo is a thoughtful man, unwilling to provoke fighting unlike the hot-blooded, adversarial Tybalt, whom he kills. Romeo also kills Paris but in both encounters sought to avoid fighting, winning only to defend his life. At the end of the play, he commits suicide, rather than live without Juliet, the ultimate display of loyalty for his love Juliet since his life obviously no longer had meaning without her...…
While that is true Romeo isn't the one who should be blamed. In this play Romeo and Juliet are very young, still teenagers learning and exploring the world and new things. Romeo is a very passionate and quick thinking person who doesn't think about his feelings and decisions before he makes them leading to stupid dangerous outcomes. Because of this Romeo falls in love with Juliet rushes their relationship, gets married, gets banished, Juliet making this plan to be with him, Romeo killing himself, then Juliet killing herself. Because Romeo and Juliet are so young they don't really understand what they have done and they affect it had on everybody you cared on them. Romeo is not to blame for his and Juliet's death. He was just following his heart and somebody close to him, older, and who he trusted like Friar Laurence should have told them to slow things down with Juliet and not make stupid decisions which could have kept Romeo and Juliet alive. So in the end. Romeo really isn't to blame for his own death even though he killed himself he's just a young passionate kid who should have had a mentor or friend helping him through this…
It has been proven that the cause of Romeo and Juliet's death was Romeo’s impulsiveness. Romeo’s impulsiveness was proven in three different ways, from Romeo falling in love at first sight, to killing Paris without any reasonable thought. Thus, throughout the story Romeo has been extremely impulsive resulting in numerous deaths, while today we see rash decisions amongst us from points of sheer emotion tends to bring great destruction. Romeo fails to surpass his strong willed emotions and impulsiveness bringing about his…
He falls in “love” to quick. He seems to fall in love to quick because first he is in love with Rosaline and now he is in love with Juliet. He acts to quick before he thinks. He was going to kill himself just because he was going to be banished. He goes to Verona to kill himself not waiting or anything he instantly get poison to kill himself. The Friar even says, “Thou art a fool.” This makes a point in the fact that the Friar even thinks that Romeo falls in love to quick. There are also many flaws in Juliet.…
Throughout the play Romeo made many personal choices that led his life to end as it did. The first choice he made was to go to a part he was not invited to. “ But he that hath the steerage of my course! Direct my sail”(pg.200). Romeo is persuaded to go to a party he didn’t want to go to because he knew he wasn’t invited. Romeo could have stayed home and not went to the party but he made the choice to follow is friends in. The main choice that ended Romeo’s life was when he bought a potion to kill himself. “Come, cordial and not poison, go with me to juliet’s gravel; for there must i use thee”. Romeo is told Juliet is dead and decides to by a poison to kill himself . This choice is what ended Romeo’s life, fate had no such say in his life ending.…
At the end of Romeo and Juliet both characters end up dying due to a chain reaction of events and decisions. The one person who I believe is most to blame for the death of Romeo and Juliet is the one Romeo risked his life for, and she is none other than Juliet the Capulet. First of all, she is the most responsible for Romeo and her self's death because she took the potion that Friar Lawrence gave when there were many other options. The next reason is that she put too much trust in Friar Lawrence's plan to bring Romeo and Juliet together. The last reason I believe she was to blame was that she was the one that tricked Romeo into doing all these things for her in the first place. For all these reasons I believe Juliet was the leading cause in hers and Romeo's death.…
In my opinion, Shakespeare chose a tragic ending for his heroes in Romeo and Juliet to make the story interesting and to make it into something that the reader wouldn’t have expected to happen. Everyone would have expected Romeo and Juliet to have survived and lived happily ever after, but they both ended up dying. This makes the story special and different and leaves the reader shocked after reading the tragedy. I was also shocked when I read that Romeo and Juliet both die. I had expected them both to live happily. And also, Shakespeare wrote a tragedy and all the main characters in a tragedy die.…
Some reasons as to why Juliet is reluctant to marry Paris are that she simply doesn't like him and finds him arrogant, and because later on she is secretly married to Romeo. If she went through a wedding ceremony with Paris, the marriage would not be valid, and if she went to bed with Paris, she would be cheating on Romeo, the husband she loves. When the Nurse is talking…
First, Juliet fell too deep in love Romeo. Her loyalty to him is her strength, but is also the flaw that lead to her tragic end, as she ultimately stabs herself in fear of facing the future without Romeo. At a time period when women obeyed to their fathers or husbands unconditionally, her loyalty has her to defy her father openly. Additionally, it causes Juliet to have mixed feelings upon hearing her cousin Tybalt's death by Romeo's hands. Then she eventually decides to grieve only for Romeo.…