Lo Chun Yin (130126992)
Lau Pong Tan (130228401)
Yau Chui Ting (130240776)
Yip Pui Lam (130307569)
Lo Chun Hin Johannes (130311811)
Applied Science Discipline
Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education
Project Title: Causes and Symptoms of Stress
As well known in the international, Hong Kong is a city that always having rapid economic growth. It make us associate that Hong Kong’s people always work hard but not often play hard. Therefore, living in Hong Kong is already the original stress source. Stress has become more common in today’s society and there is a risk that familiarity will breed contempt for it. But the long-term effects of stress are worthy of far greater respect since stress can destroy lives and family.
There are always lots of surveys or investigation conducted by some non government organization look into Hong Kong’s people stress index. From the recent research of Hong Kong’s people stress index in March 2014 shows that the stress of worker group having 54% increased from half year ago and 49% increased from a year ago. Apart from the stress gained from working, there are almost 80% of male interviewees from 260 male shows that their stress mostly comes from wedding and property problems.
In general, there are some earliest symptoms of stress are often subtle. Such as a bit of anxiety; feeling a little blue; getting easily flustered and angry and tiredness. The three types of signs of stress are emotional, physical and mental and behavioral. When we get stressed, the emotional signs are that we will respond less appropriately to unexpected and unwanted event, etc. Physical and mental signs are often poor or irregular sleep patterns, etc. Lastly, behavioral signs are a rush-rush busy-busy lifestyle, etc.
Stress is a biological and psychological response that experienced on encountering a threat that we