Think of what teenagers are learning at school and how it affects their lives. These lunches can in turn, affect what students eat outside of school in a potentially harmful way. School cafeteria lunches serve meals that can potentially be dangerous to one’s health. Including healthier lunches or not in cafeterias can be argues both ways. Students take into account what they eat in school and what they will eat outside of school. This essay discusses the effects of cafeteria lunches. It describes how lunches can be helpful or harmful to a teenager’s lifestyle. School cafeterias should provide healthier lunches for students. Schools need options for students that can in the end benefit their health.
Providing healthier school lunches can decrease the obesity rate around the world among teenagers. Statistics say, “Healthy lunches would help decrease the rate of childhood obesity and health effects” (“School Lunches”). Schools that sell junk food are asking for students to learn to eat unhealthy. This is in turn, increasing the obesity rate among students in the school, which could be easily be decreased if healthier lunches were served. Even though healthier lunches seems beneficial, critics also think there is arguments against completely banning junk foods from schools. …show more content…
Students are likely to still buy junk food out of school even if it means buying the foods the food and bringing to school for lunch.
Critics say that, “School district make more money selling junk foods (“Update Junk Food in Schools”). This has an effect on the amount of revenue going into the school. The money made in vending machines at school benefits the school itself. Also, if schools decide to completely ban junk food permanently. The school would be losing money that it could be making if the students were to buy their foods from outside sources. But, making decisions on their own can help students make a better diet for
If students learn to eat healthy at school, it can in turn affect what they eat outside of school. Many statistics have shown that “Students will learn what it means to have a healthier diet” (“School Lunches”) if they are actually introduced to it. Students making decisions on their own about what to eat and what not to eat can really affect their health. Clearly, a healthier diet could be brought to the table for students needing help learning what to eat. Healthier lunches play a magnificent role in aiding in the health of teens in schools.
Schools should provide healthier options for students who are eating cafeteria lunches. Students that eat lunch in schools cafeterias should have a variety options to eat even though the money made from the lunches now can benefit the school. A ban of junk foods will help students’ health by decreasing the obesity rate and learning to have a healthier diet. If healthier lunches help health problems in school, I wonder what they could do to everyone around the world that buys lunches from a cafeteria.
Works Cited
“Update: Junk Food in Schools." Issues & Controversies On File: n. pag. Issues &
Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 23 Mar. 2007. Web. 3 Oct. 2013. .
"Junk Food in Schools." Issues & Controversies On File: n. pag. Issues & Controversies.
Facts On File News Services, 24 Jan. 2007.
Web. 3 Oct. 2013. .
School Lunches." Issues & Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 20 June 2011.
Web. 3 Oct. 2013. .