Can you build a motion-activated guard robot and adjust its behavior to avoid false alarms?
II. Background Research
Do you ever wish you could hire someone to guard your favorite things? This research paper is going to talk about, how robots work. Terms that will be discussed in this paper will include Infrared (IR) light, electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetic spectrum, and sensors.
Infrared radiation light is simply electromagnetic radiation with longer wavelengths (The American Heritage Student Science Dictionary 177). Infrared is usually called Infrared light, though it’s not visible to the human eyes (The American Heritage Student Science Dictionary 177). Infrared light is detected by a robot (Finio). Visible …show more content…
To build your circuit, you will need to know how to use a breadboard. Watch the video and see the Science Buddies reference How to Use a Breadboard.
2. Now that you know how to use a breadboard, you are ready to assemble your BlueBot circuit. Table 2 shows a list of all the components in the circuit and where they go on the breadboard. You can download and print a PDF of this table—complete with checkboxes to track each step—to use while you are building your robot. You can also view a slideshow that shows breadboard diagrams of the circuit. Follow along in the table and/or slideshow to build your circuit one component at a time. Your finished circuit should look like the one in Figure 5. Pay attention to these notes:
a. Remember to push all components firmly into the breadboard.
b. All references to orientation (up, down, left, and right) assume you have the breadboard "right-side up," so the writing is facing you.
c. Your jumper wire kit comes with an assortment of colors, and the colors may vary. It does not matter what color jumper wires you use. Your colors do not need to match the colors in the diagrams. In general, you should use the shortest wires possible, to help keep your circuit …show more content…
In a house you can find passive infrared sensors often used in security systems, even at night a passive infrared sensor has the ability to locate that person (Ladyada). Everybody emits some radiation that the passive infrared sensor can detect either its low level of radiation or high level of radiation, passive infrared sensors are commonly found in stores, schools, or houses or any other buildings (Finio). Passive infrared sensors do not have the ability to tell anyone how many people are in the room or how close they are to the sensor, a passive infrared sensor has a material that makes two slots that are actually sensitive to the infrared (Ladyada). It’s good if the passive infrared sensor has a big and wide field of view for security systems when you need a sensor (Finio). Passive infrared sensors are also used in saving the energy lighting systems to actually make the motion-activated lights