Benchmarks Covered (Learning Objective)
SC.8.N.1.1 Define a problem to plan and carry out scientific investigations.
SC.8.P.8.2 Differentiate between weight and mass, recognizing that weight is the amount of gravitational pull on an object and is distinct from, though proportional to, mass.
Research Question/Problem - Which type of pasta noodle would hold the most pennies if we were to tape them to two stools 16 cm apart, dropping pennies into a cup tied around the noodle?
Expiremental Variables - We will be able to identify the mass of a penny and how it can test the strength of a pasta noodle as a result of the downward pull of gravity on the penny.
Test Variable: The type of noodle is what I'd be changing throughout the process
Outcome Variable: I would be observing how many pennies each noodle could hold counting every single one that drops into the cup until the noodle *snaps*.
Controlled variable: How far apart i put the chairs and also where we tape the tape.
Hypothesis - if we tape one angel hair, one fetuchini, and one spaghetti noodle then the fettuchini noodle will hold the most pennies.
Materials - a 14 ounce plastic cup, two three foot tall stools, seventy pennies, 7 inches of fishing line, three angel hair noodles, three fettuchini noodles, and three spaghetti noodles.
1. Gather all of the materials.
2. Measure the stools putting them 16 cm apart.
3. Tape only one of the noodles from one end to the other in between the stools.
4. Tie the plastic cup onto the noodle in the middle.
5. Begin dropping coins into the cup counting each one till the noodle snaps.
6. Repeat this with each noodle three times recording data on how much each held each time.
Results - My hypothesis was that if we tape one angel hair, one fetuchini, and one spaghetti noodle then the fettuchini noodle will hold the most pennies. My hypothesis was supported by my data, the fettuchini noodle held 45 to 55 pennies while the other two