Key Vocabulary: Universal Identity Symbolism Diversity Metaphor Tolerance Interdependence Stereotypes
Discussion Topics:
Over-arching ideas that will be addressed throughout the unit… Shared and Personal experiences The United States as “tossed salad” vs. “melting pot” Question importance: individual over group, or vise versa? Explore the benefit of self-awareness and constructive expressions
Course Level/Learner Characteristics:
Grandview High School is an alternative program serving about 240 “at-risk” students in grades 9-12 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The course is a basic high school “Sculpture 101” and has just under 30 students enrolled from all four grades, ages 15-18+. Students in this course have had some art experience, but have not necessarily been selected because of any particular artistic strength.
These students have been labeled “at risk” and transferred to this alternative program for any number of reasons, but a large percentage of the population is school-age parents. Poor or irregular attendance tends to be the biggest factor in lack of academic success, not behavior issues or learning disabilities.
1.Lesson Number and Title: #2 - “All Different” (Paper Mache Monsters)
2.Objectives (with WI-DPI Academic Standards for Visual Arts)
Technical Skills:
Use sketching to brainstorm ideas and create a rough blueprint for their creation. (C6, H4)
Use wire, newspaper and other materials to create a sturdy armature that acts as a foundation for their sculpture. (C8)
Use paper mache to create a 3D creature. (E3)
Use paint and other embellishments to communicate desired