This class taught me that it was okay to have different values and morals outside of what is considered to be “the norm.” Growing up I remember only wanting to accept and follow what my family supported because family is so important to me. On the other hand I also learned that I had to also incorporate things that made me happy and value my lifestyle. If my family loved me as much as I loved them they would also always be there for me and they did and that was just a fear I had to overcome. I can also say that being raised by a single mother taught me to be independent and work for my own things. Even though I was an only child for ten years of my childhood I never expected to be spoiled but rather to work and earned my stuff. Now at the age of twenty one I can say that I am the independent women I am because of my experiences with my mother and seeing how she worked hard to raise me and provided for herself and I will be forever grateful for that life …show more content…
Taking this human sexuality course taught me so much about myself and about others as well. I became aware of many issues that people or myself are still experiencing in their sexuality explorations. This course also helped me become very comfortable about myself and my sexuality by experiencing and learning about new and healthy ways to cope with my sexuality. One thing that was really eye opening to me was a class documentary we view on prostitution. I guess it had to do with the way I was raised and how I was taught to view prostitutes. I always thought that prostitutes always choose to be who they were because that was the lifestyle they wanted to live by and that is not the case. I leaned that external factors had an influence on their decisions like social, economical family status or even the fact that a family member and a stranger had trafficked them into the prostitution business. I am now more open and less judgmental on the ways I see anyone because we never know what a person went through to get them to take the decisions they took. Another thing that I became more open about was on online dating and this thanks to the research my group and I had to present on. I became aware of the idea of online dating and the persuasions to take if this was something I was interested in partaking