Mcdonalds is constantly promoting its corporate mission of People and People Vision. The People Promise is “how we remind our people what they can expect and how high our goal is : to be the best employer in each community around the world”. And the People Vision is “we’re not just a hamburger Co. Serving people, we’re a Co. Serving hamburger”. It has the customer service department and web site to provide customer convenience. While considering levels of performance in setting customer service objectives, service companies need to take into account the importance of service quality variables such as reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangibles. Conceptualisation of five dimensions : tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy which eventually led to the development of servqual. * Tangible : physical facilities, equipment, and appearance of personel * Reliability : ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately * Responsiveness : willingness to help customers and prompt service. * Assurance : knowlegde and courtesy of employees and their ability to inspire trust and confidence * Empathy : caring, individualised attention the firm privides its customers.
Servqual has been widely used by the researchers in a variety of industrial, commercial and non-for-profit settings, for one or the other reasons. 5 dimensions structure of service quality for examining the research problem. (Sachdev, 2004)
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2nd Journal (Servqual : A Comperative Analysis of Customers and Managers Perception)
Servqual is a three-dimensional construct in opposing to five as proposed by the original hypothesised model. From customers point of view. Servqual consist of three dimensions that are reliability, tangibility and interaction quality (empathy, assurance, and responsiveness).
References: : Abu-ElSamen, A. A. (2001). Servqual : A Comperative Analysis of Customers and Managers Perception. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management , 19-21. Harr, K. K. (2008). Service dimensions of service quality impacting customer satisfaction of fine dining restaurants in Singapore. Serqual International Journal , 13-15. Sachdev, S. B. (2004). Relative Importance Of Service Quality Dimensions : A Multisectoral Study. Journal of Service Research, Vol 4 , 9-10.