Upon receiving this position, I can offer not only my willingness to listen to the students, but also make it my obligation to act upon concerns that seem to be pressing and widespread. I can also offer my ability to work hard and endlessly to needs of SGA and the wants of the student body. Students can benefit from this by having their voices heard and respected and be, indirectly, involved and active on campus.
Throughout my high school years, I maintained various leadership roles. The first of which was serving as a section leader in the marching band for three years. As a section leader, I was the example of how the section should act, present, and conduct them. I was also the captain of the golf and tennis teams, first leading by examples through my actions and then through my playing skills. At my home church, I am the Youth Director providing an example of how to live as a young Christian despite the temptation of peer pressure. While here at JMU, I am currently serving as a mentor at the Harrisonburg and Rockingham County Boys and Girls Club to disadvantaged to youth. Just furthering my education beyond high school is the primary and first example of leadership. The kids at the club can look to me and see that I was once just like them but I’ve pushed through and maybe they can