Outcome 1.1
People can communicate for many various reasons. This can be to voice their opinions, to get attention, if they are in pain or when they want to get their emotions across. It can also to share ideas and information. Communication can also be done to build relationships, ask questions and share experiences.
People communicate so that they can establish and maintain relationships with others and to give and receive information and instructions.
1.2 communications in the work setting is one of the most important aspects of my role as a support worker and Carer. Communication allows me to build good working relationships with colleague’s service users and services.
Correct communication allows me to help and support the service users. Many of the service users I support and non verbal so for effective communication, good technique has to be used in order to get and receive information. In order to support non verbal clients, a good understanding of their reaction, response and attitude is important.
Communication between colleagues is also very important in order to support clients. Sharing issues and ideas can allow more people to think together to support an issue or problem. Day staff hand over to night staff any issues and problems to ensure night staff have all the relevant information in order to support clients. If the communication between staff is ineffective then this can create problems in the work place. It can cause a lack of confidence and trust.
Outcome 2.2
There are various factors to consider when promoting effective communications.
As with various types of communications, one must consider the environment. We have to make sure the environment and surrounding are appropriate. We must consider if the environment is quiet. If we are discussing private and confidential information then it must be done somewhere private. We must consider if the person has the ability to understand.