Lucas lived in the small town of Odessa, New York, a town mostly populated by farmers and rednecks. Although the small hill top town may seem docile, it actually is quite busy, for the local teenagers at least. Each night various teens throw raging parties filled with endless booze, loud music and such quantities of drugs you would assume you’ve teleported to Bourbon Street.
His father, James, was the owner of a fairly large contracting company that serviced the three counties surrounding Odessa. James, being a contractor, formulated and constructed his immaculately large dream home, designed to appear like a Scottish stone castle.
After Lucas arrives home, he soon receives multiple invitations, via text, to various parties celebrating the beginning of summer, and various graduates. Lucas began to weight his options when he noticed his cousin Autumn was also having a party. Autumn’s best friend Sarah Smith, who had liked Lucas for years, was surely going to attend. It was only recently that Lucas had begun to notice her endless giggling and pointless hair curling. Once this behavior had been brought to his attention, Sarah suddenly became quite a possible match for Lucas. Once he realized Sarah was sure to attend he quickly decided which party he wanted to appear at.
At about ten thirty five, Lucas arrives at Autumn’s house off Abbot Road, and is soon greeted by a sea of jocks. Following his longer than average greeting and countless shots of whiskey, Lucas finally attempts enters the old northeastern style home, with light brown colored siding and a dark green shutters. He automatically notices