We pay a price for everything we get or take in this world. Although ambitions are well worth having, they are not to be cheaply won. Every day is an opportunity to make your life the way you want it to be. Anything is possible when you work towards it one day at a time. Skip a day and you lose momentum. Try to do it all at once and you will burn out. Work steadily and consistently to make every day count and you will reach your goals. Soon, with consistent effort, those little bits add up to major accomplishments. Is there something you want to change? Today is the day to start changing. Is there a new customer you want to land? Today is the day to start making it happen. You control today and you can control your life.
When speaking of whether higher education should be free for all, I couldn’t stop thinking about all the problematic issues that would arise. For instance, students would lack that sense of ambition and drive to succeed I know this because I’ve met people who’ve had everything handed to them, and through their actions and behaviors you can see that they seemed not to care as much about education as those who were taught to get things on their own. Also there would be insufficient funds --where would the money come from? And lastly, students would place less value on education. Those are some reasons why I believe higher education shouldn’t be free. The way I see it, going to college is like the ultimate ski slope. It’s terrifying, the great unknown, but you know that if you can just make the first jump off the edge, you’ll have an amazing ride.
If you have a positive attitude and constantly strive to give your best effort, eventually you will overcome your immediate problems and find, that you are ready for greater challenges. If higher education was free to students I believe one of the main issues that would arise with that would be students losing a sense of ambition and drive to be successful adults later in life.