1B. What does Great Britain think about the use of a gatekeeper? GREAT BRITAIN thinks of gatekeepers as being a “medical home”. If there is something wrong, i.e. physically or mentally, they seek the guidance of gatekeepers, just as one can access a concerned family member. As mentioned in “Sick Around the World”, people sometimes even go to gatekeepers just to talk.
1C. Does the US use one? How?
The UNITED STATES has different views when it comes to the term, gatekeeper. When referring to healthcare, gatekeepers are used in the same sense as GREAT BRITAIN. A person can choose whether they go to a general practitioner or specialist depending on the type of insurance they hold. Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO) are the only plans not using gatekeepers. Great Britain refers to their gatekeepers as a medical home whereas in the United States we do not.
1D. How about Germany, and Switzerland? Do they use what can be considered a traditional form of gatekeeper? GERMANY uses a gatekeeper but it is not mandatory for everyone to visit one before seeing a specialist. With this view they are similar to the United States. If a patient wants they can go straight to a specialist. The only negative aspect of this decision is that the patient may have to pay a higher co-pay if skipping to see a gatekeeper doctor. SWITZERLAND does not have gatekeepers. If the Swiss do decide to see a gatekeeper first their insurance company may give them a discount. Some insurance plans may even require
References: Accountability, Performance & Financial Reporting - Health Canada - Main Page. (n.d.). Welcome to the Health Canada Web site | Bienvenue au site Web de Santé Canada. Retrieved February 23, 2011, from http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ahc-asc/performance/index-eng.php Diets of the World: The Japanese Diet. (n.d.). WebMD - Better information. Better health.. Retrieved February 28, 2011, from http://www.webmd.com/diet/features/diets-of-world-japanese-diet Health Smart Card Introduction. (n.d.). Introducing Global Health Smart Card. Retrieved February 28, 2011, from http://www.healthsmartcard.net/intro.html The Taiwan Health Care Smart Card Project. (n.d.). Smart Card Alliance. Retrieved February 23, 2011, from www.smartcardalliance.org/resources/pdf/Taiwan_Health_Card_Profile.pdf