Everyone has times where they go crazy, even occasionally becoming something you are not typically. Snickers comes in though and basically says don’t because when you are not yourself, a Snickers bar will satisfy your cravings.This, like most commercials, is pushing the envelope to make a bold statement that one Snickers bar can do such amazing things. Just as with other commercials, such as AXE where they say if you spray it on yourself girls will flock to you, Snickers uses just another type of exaggerative brand marketing. The main message of this commercial is that Snickers will give you energy and make you act more like yourself, because “You’re Not You When You’re Hungry.” The main focus of Snickers commercials is its appeal to humor. It's humorous because there is a shock factor on the transformation between the hungry and the satisfied character. Like many comedic commercials, Snickers placed its product into this thirty-second clip making it seem as if the product has a power that can only be obtained by buying and eating the specific candy. This is a very effective advertising strategy because it gets the brand name out there. Snickers used …show more content…
A commercial can seem simple and comedic, but at the same times it is those types of commercials viewers remember, such as this one I still remember from 2010. When people think back to all of the commercials they have seen, most people remember the funny ones, the ones that stand out when people are talking about funny commercials. Now after this thirty second clip, when someone sees a Snickers at a supermarket or convenience store, they may think of how funny that commercial was. All of the other aspects of the commercial sneak up on the viewer. People do not realize that the commercial affected the way their minds think, by now associating laughter with Snickers, but just thought of it as another funny commercial they saw on TV. The comedic aspect of this commercial is what catches the viewer’s attention, it has them talking about it to their coworkers or friends, and the advertisement extends farther than just a chuckle in the living room. This is what the advertisement company wants. They succeeded in advertising their product, people who have not seen the commercial may just take a look at it because of how funny they heard it was. Overall, Snickers did a magnificent job in creating an advertisement that reaches many different viewers, captivates an audience, and leaves the viewer remembering the commercial far after they have finished seeing