State Farm provides car and home insurance to a lot of people here in the United States. In fact, they are the largest provider of insurance; almost doubling another popular insurance provider, Allstate. State Farm often runs commercials, spanning many channels on television. While most of these commercials advertise their car and home owner’s insurance, I happened to see one of their commercials that was out of the ordinary. The commercial follows a man, that slowly amassed a following of those that need help. The way I view the commercial, is the man isn’t being followed by an actual group of people but is being haunted by the thoughts of those in need. The commercial relies heavily on pathos, ethos, and logos; the use of melancholy music sets the tone of the whole commercial. Putting all this together, allows the viewer to realize what a difference one person can make if they see someone in need of help. This commercial was made to show the various issues in the world. While homelessness is one of the more widely known about issues. This commercial covers other topics that are often overlooked. As the man is walking down the sidewalk, it shows a polar bear that begins to follow him as well. This can be seen as global warming, with …show more content…
This commercial relies heavily on this appeal. Without the emotional aspect within their ad, I believe it would not have had the impact that it did. The man creates the persona of each and every one of us. The man appears sad throughout the commercial, but I believe it represents a sadness of not knowing how to help someone. He gains such a following of those in need, but still appears sad and doesn’t know how or what to do. Helping someone out can bring joy to both parties. This is seen at the very end of the commercial, when the man goes into a youth center to help tutor children; the man is smiling as he walks in through the