As freshman in high school is where I began my search for the perfect career. I took the time out for two summer’s straight and attended something similar to job shadowing with family members who currently held profession that involved helping people. This is when I was introduced to the field of social work. Even though there were other career fields that would fit my purpose, social work was the only career I felt was just right for me. I felt that social work was the right field for because it fitted my personality perfectly and not only did I want to help people hands on, I also wanted to be able to go outside of my office and help as well. Social work was the field that would allow me to do so. The profession itself is not as stressful compared to the medical professions. Social work professions involve face-to-face communication that is not as intense as other face-to-face conditions. While looking further in to the career that am attempting to pursue, I have gained a lot of knowledge from research and interviews which have inspired
Cited: * Butler, Amy C. "A Reevaluation of Social Work Students ' Career Interests." Journal Of Social Work Education 26.1 (1990): 45-56. Professional Development Collection. Web. 17 Nov. 2012. * Daniel, Carol Ann. "Lessons Learned: Pedagogical Tensions And Struggles With Instruction On Multiculturalism In Social Work Education Programs." Social Work Education 30.3 (2011): 250-265. Academic Search Premier. Web. 17 Nov. 2012. *