The article, Sexual Assault on Campus, demonstrates that rape on campus is considered a deviant act. These women are usually raped at fraternity parties hosted by their male counterparts. In addition, partying at these fraternities are gendered based on cultural expectations. For instance, women are supposed to wear revealing outfits and also be grateful for the men’s hospitability (Armstrong, Hamilton, and Sweeney, 2006, p.490). Men at fraternity parties get women drunk, block doors, and control transportation to prevent women from leaving sexual situations (Armstrong, Hamilton, and Sweeney, 2006, p.491). The belief that men are naturally sexually aggressive normalize these acts. In addition, after a woman is raped at such social events, the end result consequents in her being blamed. The girl is usually blamed for being immature and naïve. The logic of victim blaming suggests that smart, careful women are safe from sexual assault and only immature women get in trouble (Armstrong, Hamilton, and Sweeney, 2006, p.493). Women being sexually attacked at a fraternity party is not considered a deviant act, however, being raped on prestigious college campus grounds is considered a deviant act (Armstrong, Hamilton, and Sweeney, 2006, p.496). Thus, victim blaming makes sexual assault an acceptable act, because you can easy shift the blame on those who were raped by saying “they asked for it”. However, raping women on school campus is seen as unethical
The article, Sexual Assault on Campus, demonstrates that rape on campus is considered a deviant act. These women are usually raped at fraternity parties hosted by their male counterparts. In addition, partying at these fraternities are gendered based on cultural expectations. For instance, women are supposed to wear revealing outfits and also be grateful for the men’s hospitability (Armstrong, Hamilton, and Sweeney, 2006, p.490). Men at fraternity parties get women drunk, block doors, and control transportation to prevent women from leaving sexual situations (Armstrong, Hamilton, and Sweeney, 2006, p.491). The belief that men are naturally sexually aggressive normalize these acts. In addition, after a woman is raped at such social events, the end result consequents in her being blamed. The girl is usually blamed for being immature and naïve. The logic of victim blaming suggests that smart, careful women are safe from sexual assault and only immature women get in trouble (Armstrong, Hamilton, and Sweeney, 2006, p.493). Women being sexually attacked at a fraternity party is not considered a deviant act, however, being raped on prestigious college campus grounds is considered a deviant act (Armstrong, Hamilton, and Sweeney, 2006, p.496). Thus, victim blaming makes sexual assault an acceptable act, because you can easy shift the blame on those who were raped by saying “they asked for it”. However, raping women on school campus is seen as unethical