Producing solar energy is the transfer of the suns heat to the earths surface.
Solar electricity is created by using Photovoltaic (PV)technology and converting solar energy into solar electricity from sunlight.
Photovoltaic array converts solar energy to direct current electricity. When the sunlight reaches the earth’s surface, it must be captured and then turned into a source of energy.
It is called infrared radiation when the earth captures heat by using solar cells or photovoltaic.
Pipes on rooftops carry liquids that transfer the heat from the box into the building.
The heated liquid is passed through radiators to heat the air.
How Solar Cells Work
Also called photovoltaic cell or photoelectric cell.
An electrical device that directly turns energy light into electricity.
There are small cells that power calculators and other small devices.
There are large cells that power entire houses.
Large cells are single cells that are packed together.
The cells are used by converting the sunlight into energy by using conductors to absorb sunlight and create electricity from the changes of electrons.
When cells are charged, the power may be stored when not in use.
Where They’re Used
-Solar panels can be owned by residents and can be a smart way to consume money and an environmentally friendly way of using and making energy.
-Roofs can be covered with photovoltaic modules on an office building, factory or warehouse.
-Large roofs are better for solar modules.
-Solar energy has been the strongest supply for industrial places; solar systems are highly reliable and require little maintenance.
-They are good for places that are isolated.(on its own)
Remote Applications
-The usefulness of solar power in remote areas such as community centres, schools and clinics is a major factor. Solar kits are easy to use and are cheap to run in the long term, they are reliable and have