Bethany had to start all over again with her surfing career. She had to learn how to surf with one arm. It took a few weeks to recover the shark attack. Bethany decided that she would…
Do you think your summer was horrible and not exciting for you? Find out what happen to this thirteen year girl. A girl by the name Bethany Hamilton was attacked by a shark in Kauai, Hawaii. Bethany was waiting for the wave to surf and all of a sudden a shark attacks her. The shark bit off her left and part of her board. She is in the hospital now. Bethany has shown great resilience in overcoming a shark attack in order to achieve her surfing dream.…
Although “sink or swim” can be applied to anyone’s life, it held a place in my life even before I read the memoir. This advice has been given to me in a similar way to Jeannette, when my brother tried to teach me how to swim by…
Imagine yourself floating on the sparkling, calm, blue water of Hawaii. The hot sun is shining on your face. You wave your arms in the warm water and suddenly feel a strong pull on your left arm. Shark! You start seeing the crystal blue water turn bright red and your vision blurs.…
Is It The Journey or The Destination? All people have all different views. This book, Whale Talk by Chris Crutcher, was written from the eyes of an African American teenage male. His name is The Tao (T.J. for short) He has an English teacher who usually always coaches wrestling, he decides he doesn’t want to contribute to wrestling this year.…
Less than a month after Bethany attack she has gotten back in the water the day of Thanksgiving. As Bethany is falling off the surfboard , she doesn’t care about the arm not there she’s still going to try . Bethany kept struggling and struggling with everything until she finally got how to balance herself on the board without falling . Bethany caught a wave one more time before leaving when all of a sudden she got it !…
Marilyn Bell Di Lascio, was a brave swimmer that was first to swim across Lake Ontario. Marilyn was a strong hearted woman that had a passion for swimming. She “put her into [swimming]” (Di Lascio p.3) Di Lascio was a magnificent woman, but she had some little troubles that interrupted her becoming the better role model. Di Lascio first said that she was determined to do something but, she lost all her “confidence about competing the swim, and the idea terrified [her]” (Di Lascio p.9). This fear overcame her and made her terrified which was mostly the reason why she got budged off the better role model position. Furthermore, she had…
Sometimes taking a chance on something is necessary because it inspires you to change as a person.…
A few of the really dedicated surfers, and those that can afford to, will spend some of their time travelling the world trying to find their own perfect wave. Some of the lucky ones will…
The Swimmer is based on a man not being able to deal with the present. He is mostly in denial through every part of the story and every character he meets expresses how much he is in denial, and shows he has an alcohol problem which he is covering up the depressed state he is in, and cant face the fact his entire family is gone.…
3 # If a surfer knows the place and the quality of surfing waves where will this help you know what kind of board specifies how all this is a simple help to make things easier when choosing a surfboard. It is not a means to an end or is the magic formula that will take you with your dream board, but if you keep close to your ideal surf…
Each of us creates our own fate out of the certain circumstances that were given to us. I am a sister, a friend, a confidant, an adventurer, and a learner. I am a twenty-one years old, Black African American, female. I am a former cheerleading captain, body trim, secretly in love, straight-A student. I like smiling, music, singing, dancing, talking, laughing, writing, and reading. I am awful at drawing, singing, and taking risks. I am a single person in the sea of bodies on the Earth that wants to make a difference. These characteristics are what make me, me. You can be black, Hispanic, Asian, skinny, athletic,…
It starts out rough at first, a struggle, fighting the thing that is ultimately supposed to help you, you’re blinded by a clear force of nature, and then, all of a sudden, everything becomes simple. You’re gliding on top of what once held you down; you’ve conquered your oppressor. You’re riding the “wave” of life, controlling everywhere you go, you’re on top of the world! But the only problem with being at the top of the world is that there is only one way left to go. Down. You can never tell what the “wave” might throw you next, maybe it will be something easy, or fun, some minor bump you can turn into the jump you’ve been waiting for so you can finally do that perfect 360, or maybe it’s a rogue set of waves from hell that end with you face down in the water, sore and in need of some serious chiropractic assistance. And we all get those rogue waves when we’re at our finest moment, but when that wave comes and knocks you over, the only thing you can do is get back up on it, time, and time again, and let the wave know that you will never let anything stop you from trying to do what you need to do. Qwer qq we qwe qwe qwe qw e f gtr wf wef w e rfw ef w e rf ert wr g wer f we rfw e fdw e fw ef w ef wef w ef rg we rg er g er ge rg er ge rg er ge rg er ge rg erg er g we fd qwer we rf wet rw rg wrg w re few r 23 r2 3r w ef we fw ef we f wef we f g3 rg er g3 gr54w egf w rg w rg r g 5 hg45 hwrg er hg er gtw rgf er hg erh er the he rg e rg e rg er h e th e rg tfe rg e rg e r erg w ref s a edfw efdsa d fs rg sd f h h h h h hh ergt er f wer fw er w ef we f wef wret yy y er t ertg e gf er g wre twe rw er wer wer we rw er we r w e r e r e re r ere r wer wer we r wer we rw er wer we rw er wer we r wer we rwe r wer we r wer we r wer we rwer we r qer qwerq werq wertflqwi hjli oj;p oawj ;o kj;lwerkw;elrkwe;rlk ;wlekr ;lwekr; lwke ;lwek r;lwek r;lwekr ;wlerk ;wlk ;lj ; lkjewlkrjwe;lkrjlwekjh lh lk jl kjl kwjerw er wer we rwe rwe r we r we r wer we r werwerwe rw er we rw…
He is deeply touched by the vision with the queen and takes the egg as a reminder of what he was. However, Ender’s responsibility to spread the queen’s message is a foreshadow of what he will be. The egg is like a peace treaty to his people to show that the buggers were unhostile creatures unlike Ender and his people. Therefore, he wants become a person that will not shy away from his mistakes but fix them. Also, Bethany Hamilton, a professional surfer, survived a shark attack but lost her left arm at the age of thirteen. Despite the trauma of the incident, three weeks later, she was adamant to return back to surfing by teaching herself how to surf with only one arm. Bethany Hamilton’s near death experience has evoked a sense of determination in her that has caused her to be one of the best surfers in the world. Insteads of grieving about the accomplishments she could have had prior, she has achieved those accomplishments. The next two years following her attack, she…
But to muddle the definition further, surfing is a lifestyle that carries with it a style of dress, a regional and global dialect, and even an encompassing approach to life’s realities. While the stereotypical image of the “surfer dude” no longer holds water, folks who have made the move from recreational rider to a life-long waterman (or woman) have a tendency to put the pursuit of good waves above most all else, making their intense dedication seem almost religious.…